Tag: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Webinar: Design for Diversity: Creating an Equitable Hiring Process
Join us to learn more about equitable and anti-racist recruitment and hiring processes.
Webinar: RealTalk with YAYAHPS: Building the Infrastructure of Change
Join us to discuss how young and early career public media staff can plan real change at their organizations.
The Power of Reciprocity: Ways to Say Thank You to Corporate Supporters
Beyond Admiring the Problem: Changing the Future of Public Radio
Webinar: Public Radio and DEI in the Next Decade
Join this webinar to discuss how we can best sustain and expand the DEI work that is critical to the future of our system.
Webinar: Selecting Inclusive Images for Public Media
Join this webinar to develop your inclusive lens to evaluate images for content, marketing, fundraising, sponsorships, even HR
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging (DEIAB) Practitioners Cohort
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging (DEIAB) Cohort is an affinity group for DEIAB practitioners and consultants working in public media.
Webinar: RealTalk with YAYAHPS: Moving Around Public Media
Young and Young-at-Heart Professionals (YAYAHPs) discuss how young professionals throughout the industry can contribute to DEIA work.