Tag: Sustainers

Thanking Sustainers
Steward your sustaining donors to make sure they feel appreciated.

Cultivating Mid-Level Sustainers
Engage more sustaining donors to give mid-level and major gifts.

Sustainer Marketing Samples and Templates
Access sample letters, emails, scripts, and calculators to support your sustainers program.
Using Conversational Texting for Engagement and Recapture
My Biggest Takeaway from PMDMC Came From Our Airport Driver
Improved Recapture and EFT Conversion: A Sustainer Journey with KERA
NHPR Revitalizes Membership Drives with Focus on Sustainers

Membership Essentials for Those New to Public Media
Understand what is unique about public media fundraising.

Maintaining and Using Membership Data
A well-maintained database is the most critical element of a membership program.