Gordon Bayliss
Greater Public Corporate Support Advisor
Pacific Time Zone
Specialty: Underwriting copy guidelines and FCC regulations
Gordon Bayliss is an independent consultant with 34 years experience in sales, fundraising, marketing and sales management in public broadcasting and commercial media. Gordon has been the vice president of sales and marketing at WNED | WBFO, radio and TV, in Buffalo, NY and Toronto, Ontario; Prior to that he was vice president of corporate sales for WGUC and WVXU in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has also previously held positions as a sales manager for commercial radio and business news publications.
Concurrent with his positions at the public media stations, Gordon took on an additional role in 1998 as a corporate support advisor for Greater Public providing its members with guidance on issues about selling underwriting, sales management, marketing and promotion, and compliance with FCC rules for underwriting copy. He has traveled and made onsite visits to dozens of public media stations and national networks, and has worked with program producers and organizations to create underwriting marketing strategies, sales and promotional materials.
Gordon has been an underwriting workshop facilitator and presenter at Greater Public’s annual development conference, the PMDMC. He was a co-creator of the Virtual Sales Coach in 2002, an underwriting sales training program produced by DEI (now Greater Public) that allowed salespeople to learn, practice, and apply their skills. Gordon also achieved the Radio Marketing Associate designation from the Radio Advertising Bureau; the Public Radio Development/Marketing Award for Excellence in Business/Corporate Support; and the PRADO Pioneer Award. He has also served as a past board member and president of PRADO.