Greater Public Roundtables

Join a virtual roundtable to meet colleagues at other stations who are experiencing similar public media challenges. Roundtables will last 30-60 minutes.

Each roundtable is led by a Greater Public advisor and designed to be a small group discussion, so be prepared to turn on your camera and discuss your station’s opportunities and challenges. If you don’t find anything of interest, check back soon.   Full Title Description Hosted by Datestart - stop Who should attend Reserve my spot Release my spot Attendees      ,  

Each roundtable is led by a Greater Public advisor and designed to be a small group discussion, so be prepared to turn on your camera and discuss your station’s opportunities and challenges. If you don’t find anything of interest, check back soon.

Important note

Roundtables are not recorded, so please plan to attend in person. Space is limited, so if you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration.


Gayle Ewer

Gayle Ewer

Director of Member Engagement

(612) 259-8811 (Mountain Time Zone)