Greater Public provides the most comprehensive fundraising support available to public media.

Member Benefits

1-on-1 advising
Free professional advising from experienced fundraisers in corporate support, membership, and major and planned giving, including FCC guidance.
1-on-1 Advising resource library
Scripts for on-air fundraising, copy for direct mail and email campaigns, FCC-compliant language for underwriting, and templates for major and planned giving stewardship.
Greater Public online resources

Webinars to address new fundraising techniques and share station experiences.
Greater Public Webinars

Monthly Roundtables
Join a virtual roundtable to meet colleagues at other stations who are experiencing similar public media challenges. Each call is facilitated by a Greater Public expert.
Greater Public Monthly Roundtables

Affinity Groups
Affinity Groups to connect with peers doing the same work and share ideas and successes.
Become a Member - Greater Public Cohorts

Benchmarking analysis to ensure your organization is reaching 100% of its fundraising potential, as compared to similar stations.
Greater Public Benchmarks

The Public Media Development and Marketing Conference (PMDMC), our annual three-day training and networking event, is your opportunity to stay current on the latest trends, research, proven practice techniques, and tools. Greater Public member stations receive a 30% discount on PMDMC conference registrations.

Direct mail services
Discounted direct mail acquisition list cooperatives, along with copy and mail production services that save your team time, money, and papercuts!
Greater Public Direct Mail Services

So, how much does membership cost?

Greater Public members are organizations, and when you join as an organization, every single person on your staff has access to these membership resources. Dues are scaled to your organization’s annual revenue from non-federal sources, and they change slightly each year, with a floor and ceiling rate.

Member Organization NFFS Tier Annual Dues through 2024 (Radio & JL) Annual Dues through 2024 (TV Only) Limit in Annual Dues Change
$0-$499,999 1 $800 $520 +/- $250
$500,000-$1,499,999 2 $2,200 $1,430 +/- $250
$1,500,000-$3,999,999 3 $4,000 $2,600 +/- $250
$4,000,000-$7,999,999 4 $8,000 $5,200 +/- $500
$8,000,000-$14,999,999 5 $10,000 $6,500 +/- $500
$15,000,000+ 6 $13,500 $8,775 +/- $1,000



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Need a temporary reduction in dues?

Organizations are eligible to apply for a temporary reduction in membership dues up to three months before their renewal date. Reductions last one renewal cycle and may be up to 30% off the dues amount, at the discretion of Greater Public staff. If your organization has suffered a large financial setback due to natural disaster, unexpected infrastructure expense, or dramatic cuts in state or federal funding and needs temporary relief from the full cost of dues, please use this form to apply:

Dues Reduction Application

Leah Manners

Sr. Manager, Membership and Internal Communications

(612) 548-3374 (Eastern Time Zone)

Andrew Leitch

Andrew Leitch

Chief Operating Officer

(612) 548-3378 (Central Time Zone)

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