News Director
Ozarks Public Broadcasting
Application Deadline: Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023
The News Director manages the KSMU news department and the planning, scheduling, production, broadcast, and digital publication of local news programs and features. The News Director is the primary staff member responsible for managing and coordinating the production of local news and features, ensuring they meet established standards for subject matter, length, quality, and adherence to the mission, values, and established on-air sound of KSMU.
Description of Primary Duties
- Ensures that KSMU attracts, maintains, and increases its listening audience by planning, producing, coordinating, and scheduling local news and features that provide a strong public service to the community and reflect the diversity of KSMU’s service area.
2. Provides leadership and overall direction for KSMU’s news team, including developing and managing staff; enforcing and adhering to high standards of journalistic ethics; and ensuring compliance with institutional, local, state, and federal regulation governing news coverage.
3. Supports KSMU’s mission to educate students by managing the news internship program and establishing a climate for effective student learning, including hands-on training and evaluation of work.
4. Develops a competent and effective news team by hiring, training, supervising, coaching, providing story assignments, and editing the work of professional and student journalists.
5. Serves as the primary point of contact for communication with NPR regarding submission of news pieces of national interest.
6. Produces, writes, edits, and serves as on-air talent for radio and TV public affairs programming which may include newscasts, features, call-in programs, talk shows, and newsmagazines.
- Manages KSMU’s digital news efforts, including the digital publication of news on the station’s website and news-based social media postings.
8. Participates in community and professional organizations, representing KSMU and Ozarks Public Television and establishing and maintaining credible relations with local community leaders and area news media.
9. Supports KSMU and Ozarks Public Television fundraising by serving as an on-air spokesperson, promoting listener/viewer support of the stations.
10. Contributes to a work environment that encourages knowledge of, respect for, and development of skills to engage with those of other cultures or backgrounds.
11. Remains competent and current through self-directed professional reading, developing professional contacts with colleagues, attending professional development courses, and attending training and/or courses required by the General Manager, KSMU and Ozarks Public Television.
12. Contributes to the overall success of KSMU and Ozarks Public Television by performing all other duties and responsibilities as assigned.
Minimum Acceptable Qualifications
Education: A Bachelor’s degree in journalism, media, or a related field is required.
Experience: At least three years of experience in news reporting is required. Supervisory experience is preferred. Experience with audio editing software is preferred. Experience in public media is preferred. Experience in digital news production is preferred. Experience filing with a national network is preferred. Experience in TV reporting/producing is preferred. An equivalent combination of years of experience and education may be considered for substitution of educational requirements.
Skills: Management and supervisory skills are required. The ability to develop knowledge of, respect for, and skills to engage with those of other cultures or backgrounds is required.
Other: Travel as necessary to perform job duties is required; a valid driver’s license is required.