Sample Copy: Residential Real Estate

Support for [STATION comes from realtor Deborah Lawson, working with home buyers and sellers in the Anytown area and committed to supporting [STATION] as a vital source of information. Info by email – D-Lawson-at-Anytown-Homes-dot-com. Support for [STATION] is provided by The Ridges at Franklin Forest, a private community adjacent to a state forest near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Lots released September 24th. Photos at The Ridges T – N dot com. Appointments at 111-222-3333 extension 4. Support…

Support for [STATION comes from realtor Deborah Lawson, working with home buyers and sellers in the Anytown area and committed to supporting [STATION] as a vital source of information. Info by email – D-Lawson-at-Anytown-Homes-dot-com.

Support for [STATION] is provided by The Ridges at Franklin Forest, a private community adjacent to a state forest near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Lots released September 24th. Photos at The Ridges T – N dot com. Appointments at 111-222-3333 extension 4.

Support for [STATION] is provided by Anytown Co-housing, people working together, creating a community of energy efficient new homes, with space available, information at co-house dot-org.

Support for [STATION] is provided by The Cascades at Anytown Falls, celebrating their grand opening with riverfront condos available for immediate occupancy; cascades anytown dot-com.

Support for [STATION] is provided by The Cascades Riverfront Condominiums, designed to be an environmentally responsible, smart-growth neighborhood overlooking the historic Anytown Falls; cascades anytown dot-com.

Support for [STATION] is provided by Realtor John Doe, providing marketing of homes and condominiums throughout Anytown County; 123-456-7890.

Support for [STATION] is provided by Realtor John Doe, providing buyer, seller and relocation services both locally and nationally, information at 123-456-7890.

[STATION] is supported by Murphy Homes providing homebuyers with choices for the way they want to live, with flex-design floor plans and LivingSmart green-building components. Eleven locations throughout the valley. Murphy Homes dot com.