Nationwide On-Air Planned Giving Promo Campaign

Nationwide On-Air Planned Giving Promo Campaign

Trust in the Future

“Trust in the Future” is a national on-air planned giving campaign offering professionally produced promotional templates for use by local stations.

We are approaching the largest anticipated generational wealth transfer in history. It’s an essential time to promote estate giving to your audiences. Greater Public is delighted to partner with member stations that have produced new planned giving spots from well-known on-air talent to support your promotion of these vital gifts.

Available radio spots feature:

  • Kimberly Adams (Marketplace)
  • David Brancaccio (Marketplace)
  • Tonya Mosley (Fresh Air)

Available television spots feature:

  • Ken Burns (Ken Burns Media / Florentine Films)
  • Alan Cumming (Masterpiece)
  • Rick Steves (Rick Steves’ Europe)
  • Judy Woodruff (PBS NewsHour)

These promos from trusted public media standard-bearers encourage listeners and viewers to consider supporting their local stations with gifts in their wills, trusts, beneficiary designations for retirement accounts and life insurance, or other planned gifts. Just add your station’s customized outros or end cards to the supplied templates.

The promos range from 25-50 seconds each, and there are two options from which to choose from most of the personalities.

  • Radio spots are available via direct download from the folder linked below.
  • PBS station members can access content and view available assets to promote planned giving in The Source by logging into The Source and typing “Planned Giving Spot” in the search bar. To access these video files you must be at a PBS member station.

To access the audio files for the radio spots, please click the link below. 

To access these video files you must be a PBS station member.

Special thanks to APM, WHYY, GBH, and WETA for their support and work in producing these spots for the benefit of public media organizations everywhere!

We welcome additional public radio and public television planned giving promo templates to share with public media development colleagues, and anticipate adding more spots for shared use as they become available.

If you have questions, or would like to submit a promo template from another prominent public media personality for use across the public media system, please contact Joe Thiegs, Greater Public Planned Giving Advisor

Thank you, and we hope you find this resource helpful to you and your station in promoting planned gifts!

Joe Thiegs

Greater Public Planned Giving Advisor

(612) 999-3940 (Central Time Zone)
Main contact for planned giving