Tag: Grants
Grant Seekers Toolkit Step 1: Define the Project
This article focuses on general support and project support grants, which are the ones most frequently requested by non-profits and most frequently awarded by foundations.
Grant Seekers Toolkit Step 2: Prospect Research
Once you have defined the project(s) for which you would like to seek foundation support, the next step is to find the best possible funders.
Grant Seekers Toolkit Step 3: Identify a Foundation Match
Consider yourself a matchmaker. An important part of your job as you seek foundation grants is to identify and nurture successful matches between your station and potential funders.
Grant Seekers Toolkit Step 4: Approach a Foundation
There are four principal ways to begin a conversation with a foundation regarding the possibility of a grant.
Grant Seekers Toolkit Step 5: Write the Proposal Narrative
So, you've gathered information about the project you want to propose to a foundation, you've researched the foundation, and you've determined that there is a reasonable fit.
Grant Seekers Toolkit Step 6: Cultivation
Is successful grantseeking all about "who you know?" No, it's not. But who you know - and who knows you - does matter.
Grant Seekers Toolkit Checklist: Proposal Attachments
Most foundation proposals that you submit will be accompanied by a series of standard attachments - documents that provide additional information and support for your request.