Event Sponsorship Pricing

Determining the correct value for an event sponsorship proposal is essential. Not only will the sponsorship decision-maker see through a wild guess, but you will be more confident knowing that you have a fairly-priced sponsorship opportunity that you can defend.

Identify Rights and Benefits Before you start to think about assigning value to your event, take the time to outline the various sponsorship assets (rights) your event will offer the local marketplace, and the corresponding package components (benefits) associated with each event-related sponsorship opportunity. Use this Rights & Benefits template as a guide. Assign Value Once available event sponsorship assets and rights have been identified, the next step is assigning value. The most common mistake…

COVID-19 Advisory

Information in this toolkit was gathered prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Event sponsorship and corresponding pricing will likely change significantly as station events begin to come back. Watch this space.

Anna McDonald

Greater Public Corporate Support Advisor

(703) 655-2944 (Eastern Time Zone)
Corporate support