Webinar: Secrets to the Best On-Air Fundraising Spots

We received more than 90 submissions as part of the PRPD / Greater Public On-Air Fundraising Spot Contest this past fall. Join us to listen to the winning spot, hear from the winning producer, and discuss the essential components of the most effective on-air spots. You’ll walk away with concrete tips for how to improve all of your spots in 2022.

Listen to the top five spots from the spot contest

Winner: Newark Public Radio, WBGO-FM – “Feeling Good”

2nd Place (Tied): KUT – “Coat of Many Colors”

2nd Place (Tied): WFAE – “Long Time Listener”

2nd Place (Tied): WFDD – “Bettie Bond Listener Testimonial”

2nd Place (Tied): WNRN – “Fund Drive Testimonial”