Interactive Tool: Should My Station Try a Shorter Drive?


Just talking about fewer days of pledge generates excitement. Less on-air fundraising frees up more time for programs listeners enjoy. But how do you determine if a warp drive serves your station's best interests?

Don’t let emotion overwhelm logic. Greater Public designed this calculator to anchor decision-making with your benchmarks data about the financial health of your station. This calculator is an indicator, a tool to help you make your case, not a guarantee of success or failure. Ultimately the decision is yours. And remember, just because you’re ready (or not) for a shortened drive now doesn’t mean that will remain true. To get started, pull up your 2019 Greater…

Don’t let emotion overwhelm logic. Greater Public designed this calculator to anchor decision-making with your benchmarks data about the financial health of your station.

This calculator is an indicator, a tool to help you make your case, not a guarantee of success or failure. Ultimately the decision is yours.

And remember, just because you’re ready (or not) for a shortened drive now doesn’t mean that will remain true.

To get started, pull up your 2019 Greater Public Benchmarks Trend Report and follow the prompt below to expand the tool:

If your station isn’t a 2019 benchmarks participant, contact Jay Clayton ( 

   Dollars    Members   
You must select either Dollars or Members.



Jay Clayton

Jay Clayton

Greater Public Individual Giving Advisor

(781) 598-8822 (Eastern Time Zone)
Main contact for individual fundraising; pledge drive strategy; general membership