In April NPR announced the NPR Network initiative, with the goal of doubling the number of people directly supporting local stations annually and doubling the amount of annual revenue within the network. Greater Public is hosting a series of webinars for our members and stakeholders across public media to hear directly from NPR leadership and staff to ask questions and provide feedback on these components of the NPR Network:
- The Digital Audio Exchange – a newly launched initiative to turn NPR and stations’ unsold digital sponsorship inventory into revenue and create more sponsorship opportunities.
- The NPR Network Podcasts – an audience-building initiative that unites NPR and station podcasting efforts with a common brand and opens up cross-promotion inventory opportunities.
- Growing Audience Support – a plan to develop the next generation of supporters, building on work to drive station donations from NPR digital platforms. Donors making a gift on NPR digital platforms would have the option to give to a station or support the NPR Network as a whole.
- The NPR Network Brand – a unifying brand and brand message that captures the full universe of content and experiences that we offer across all platforms, aiming to communicate our local-national mission to new audiences and donors, and to strengthen engagement by creating brand consistency.
- The NPR+ Podcast Bundle – an initiative to drive station membership among NPR digital audiences, by providing access to a bundle of sponsorship-free podcasts and bonus content exclusively as a benefit of membership to an NPR Member station.
NPR provided this overview of the Network Initiative, including the basics on each of the elements.
Feedback and input from NPR Member station practitioners will be critical to successful implementation of the NPR Network Initiative.
Click the link on any of the titles below to register for the webinar. Please note that you must register for each webinar individually. These webinars will be recorded and will be available to watch on demand shortly after they conclude.
- Digital Audio Exchange – Recording now available
- NPR Network Podcasts – Recording now available
- Growing Audience Support – Recording now available
- NPR Network Brand – Recording now available
- NPR+ Podcast Bundle – Recording now available