March 22, 2022


Holidays and special occasions have long been a hook around which to engage corporate sponsors with packages and content that appeal to specific audiences and/or seasons. Think Father’s Day (dads), International Women’s Day (women) or even broader holidays like the 4th of July or Halloween, for example. These are the obvious opportunities. 

But it can be strategic to think about the other types of events that your community celebrates each month. Even if some of them seem frivolous, or what we sometimes call “Hallmark” holidays, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with them and think of them as valuable touchpoints to engage with clients. After all, local businesses are leveraging every special monthly, weekly, or daily event as a way to engage customers and run special sales or promotions. 

Consider some of the following lesser-known and/or targeted promotional events during Q2* along with the corresponding vertical markets for each one. Which of these target audiences does public media reach and deliver? Which local businesses make sense to approach around such events? What occasions give you an excuse to celebrate your existing clients? What kind of public media content lends itself to a themed package or special audience engagement around any or all of these? What local market events are coming up in Q2? Have fun with your brainstorming!


Monthly Events Weekly Events Special Days
National Lawn Care Month
Testicular Cancer Awareness (4/1-4/7)
April 1: April Fool’s Day
International Black Women’s History Month
National Library Week (4/3-4/9
April 7: National Beer Day
Jazz Appreciation Month
National Park Week (4/16-4/24)
April 11: National Pet Day
Medical Cannabis Education Month
World Immunization Week (4/24-4/30)
April 12: International Be Kind to Lawyers Day
April 15: Income Tax Day
April 17: Easter
April 20: Weed Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 25: Edward R. Murrow Birthday/Anniversary
April 28: National Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day
April 29: Arbor Day
April 30: Independent Book Store Day


Monthly Events Weekly Events Special Days
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Month
National Pet Week (5/1-5/7)
May 3: NPR 1st Broadcast Anniversary
Jewish-American Heritage Month
Teacher Appreciation Week (5/2 – 5/6)
May 4: National Bike to School Day
Military Appreciation Month
National Nurses Week (5/6 – 5/12)
May 5: African World Heritage Day
National Arthritis Awareness Month
National Police Week (5/8 – 5/14)
May 3: National Teacher Day
Skin Cancer Awareness Month
National Stuttering Awareness Week (5/9 -5/13)
May 8: Mother’s Day
Older Americans Month
National Transportation Week (5/15 – 5/21)
May 11: Eat What You Want Day
Motorcycle Safety Month
May 14: World Fair Trade Day
May 18: International Museum Day
May 21: Armed Forces Day
May 22: US Colored Troops Founders Day
May 28: National Brisket Day
May 30: Memorial Day


Monthly Events Weekly Events Special Days
African-American Music Appreciation Month
National Flag Week (6/12 – 6/18)
June 1: Global Running Day
Cataract Awareness Month
Meet a Mate Week (6/13 – 6/19)
June 3: National Donut Day
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
National Hermit Week (6/13 – 6/20)
June 3: Gun Violence Awareness Day
Men’s Health Education and Awareness Month
Greencare for Troops Awareness Week (6/19 – 6/25)
June 4: National Cheese Day
National Safety Month
June 5: Celebration of the Arts Day
PTSD Awareness Month
June 14: Flag Day
World Roller Coaster Appreciation Month
June 15: Native American Citizen’s Day
Zoo and Aquarium Month
June 15: Nature Photographer Day
June 19: Juneteenth
June 19: Father’s Day
June 21: Word Music Day
June 22: National Onion Rings Day
June 23: Runner’s Selfie Day
June 24: National Food Truck Day

*courtesy RAB
