Equity & Inclusion | Corporate Support
Antidotes to White Supremacy Culture in Our Organizations
Organizational values like perfectionism, either/or thinking, and paternalism work against equitable work cultures. Here's how to approach these values differently.
Strategy Is Not Enough: The Importance of Changing the Culture of Public Media
Public media managers say they want more diversity in leadership roles. But women and people of color can only thrive when inclusive culture is enforced.
Leadership for the Now Generation
Public media must reckon with its whiteness through changes to leadership.
Navigating Power and Privilege in Public Media
A public media professional reflects on how she's navigated identity, privilege, and inclusion throughout her career and into this moment of reckoning.
Why We Need to Talk About Whiteness in Public Media (And Why It’s So Hard)
We must learn to talk about the construct humankind invented called race, and Whiteness in particular, if we truly want to be able to create more equity and inclusion in our work and our world.
The Paradox of Bias in Marketing and Fundraising
Understanding bias can help you avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and alienating new audiences that are key to public media's survival.