Tag: Donor Prospecting
Five Ways to Position Your Station to Automotive Sponsors

Donor Advised Funds Toolkit
Receive more gifts from donors using Donor Advised Funds
Sample the Public Media Major Gift Academy
Watch the first video in Module 1 of the training to see what’s in store.

Webinar: Fulfilling Your Major Gift Potential Using FY20 Benchmarks Data
Join us for the first ever look at public radio’s major giving Benchmarks results and possibilities at the $10,000 + level.

Webinar: Bringing Equity and Inclusivity to Your Donor Interactions and Communications, With the Super Fundraiser Aliguma Young
Join this two-part conversation about building equitable spaces with the Superfundraiser Aliguma Young.
How to Enable More Donor-Advised-Fund Gifts to Your Station
Help direct some of the billions of dollars held in Donor Advised Funds toward your deserving organization.

PMDMC Summer Series | Discovering and Engaging with Planned Giving Surveys

Apply the Right Tactics to the Right Level of Giving
Maximize revenue by giving the right experience to each donor in each of three different areas of individual giving.

Major Giving Toolkit
Develop a reliable pipeline of truly transformational gifts to your organization with consistent, donor-centered practices that keep major donors giving, and giving more.