Tag: Donor Acknowledgement
Sample the Public Media Major Gift Academy
Watch the first video in Module 1 of the training to see what’s in store.
Thank-You Copy
Thank donors using memorable, personalized acknowledgement copy.
How to Enable More Donor-Advised-Fund Gifts to Your Station
Help direct some of the billions of dollars held in Donor Advised Funds toward your deserving organization.
Are You Mis-Applying Membership Tactics to Your Major Giving Program?
Maximize revenue by giving the right experience to each donor in each of three different areas of individual giving.
Strategies to Generate Major Donor Thank-Yous When Times Are Hard
Use these strategies to make sure your major and gift-club donors get the timely and heartfelt thank-yous that will let them know they've made a difference.
Building New Revenue Starts With Gratitude
Learn whom to approach and how to approach them to build a new revenue stream in a time of crisis.
Major Giving Toolkit
Develop a reliable pipeline of truly transformational gifts to your organization with consistent, donor-centered practices that keep major donors giving, and giving more.
Major Donor Stewardship
Keep major donors close by demonstrating the impact of their gift in highly personalized ways throughout the year.
The COVID-19 Crisis Is a Time to Pull Major Donors Close
Feel confident reaching out to major donors who have shown they want to - and are - giving in this time of crisis.