September 6, 2024

Have you ever noticed that in an economic downturn or challenge there are those who seem to find a way to succeed and those who seem to wallow in their challenges? We all want to be the one who is thriving no matter what is going on “out there.”

It’s so easy to get into a rut about how tough things are at the moment in corporate support. We’ve all been there.  But, how do you turn this around quickly and avoid this common pitfall?

Here are three ways to escape a downward spiral in sales. Try them all or just try one. You might surprise yourself and have some fun, too.

1. Go Back

Go back to all the prospects who said ‘no’ in the last six months or so, particularly the ones who seemed interested and were a good fit, but then disappeared. It’s common that corporate support reps do a lot of good work, and still get a ‘no.’ Interestingly, it’s often just not the right time; the client isn’t ready yet, or has had turnover, or is waiting on budget. Go back and tell them you are thinking about them and want to see if now is a good time for them to market to your highly resourced listeners or viewers on public radio or TV. Don’t be surprised if you get a ‘yes!’

2. Check Your Attitude!

Don’t groan, because if you just did, it just may be an attitude problem. Luckily, you have complete control over your attitude and how you communicate. Have you ever been persuaded by someone about something because they were just so confident and positive about it? That’s why influencers work so well on social media. We think, “they really like it, I bet I’ll like it, too!”  

We have the lucky opportunity to represent one of the best brands in the world: public radio and PBS! How great is this?  When you write emails to prospective business supporters, frame it like you are giving them the opportunity to participate in the best marketing campaign available anywhere. Because, you are! Show your confidence in the product. So what if your listener numbers have decreased. You still are offering your prospect a marketing opportunity to a select group of highly qualified listeners and viewers with resources, credit, and education. The luxury brand of listeners that can only be reached on your station in your market and you have broadcast, streaming, events and digital assets for a great campaign.

3. Ask for Twice the Budget

Yes, ask for twice the budget that you normally would and make sure you are offering every platform that would work to lift your client/prospect’s brand, including digital, broadcast, streaming and events. Tell them why you chose the strategy you picked and see what happens. The bigger the budget and the more touchpoints there are, the better lift your client will receive. A happy client with a schedule that works is the success you want.

Greater Public members can use these proposal tools to elevate sales pitches. We also have a new Corporate Support Assets Library for members with eye-catching infographics to make winning proposals.