Tag: COVID-19
The Current Impact of COVID-19 on Underwriting
Understand the corporate support strategies and opportunities that are helping stations stay focused during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Serving Your Audience on Social Media in the Time of COVID-19
Use social media to serve your audience in new and helpful ways during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reassuring Your Underwriting Clients During COVID-19
Connect thoughtfully with current underwriters to strengthen relationships in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pivot Underwriting Categories as a Result of COVID-19
Make a plan to limit performing arts and event sponsorship during COVID-19 and seek out new categories that are positioned to strengthen their brands in this moment.
Major Giving Strategies During COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, put donor-engagement plans in motion that let your major donors feel like partners (and maintain major giving revenue).

Webinar: Music Station Fundraising in the Time of COVID-19