Tag: Direct Mail
PMDMC Summer Series | Do Old Assumptions Hold Up in Changing Times?
Staying Donor-Centered in a Time of Upheaval
Remember that fundraising is about your listeners, not your station. Use this copy to drive that message home.
Sample Gift Club Scripts, Letters, Emails
Invite donors to join your gift club, or to renew or upgrade their gift club membership using these examples.
What the Latest Data Tells Us About Calendar-Year-End Giving
M+R presents its 2018 Benchmarks study of nonprofit online strategy and performance, including the most current tips about calendar-year-end giving strategy.
Increase Donations Over Time With the Right Gift Ladders
Apply these tested gift-ladder strategies to email and direct mail appeals to encourage members to increase their donations over time.
Samples: Direct Mail and Email for Sustainers
Adapt these sample direct mail letters and email templates for sustained giving at your station.
How to Use the Power of Direct Mail
While snail mail may not generate the high responses it once did in the pre-digital communications era, a well-run direct mail program can still net significant revenue, and serve as a primary driver of higher member-retention rates and new-member acquisition.