Tag: Direct Mail

Direct Mail and Email Appeal Copy Library
Save time and money with proven year-round campaign copy that’s ready for you to customize and send. You’ll find letter and email add-gift, renewal, and lapsed templates for all formats: news, classical, jazz, triple-A, and television.
From Boomers to Zoomers: How Tech-Savvy Generations are Revolutionizing Public Media Fundraising

Strategies to Build an Advanced Sustainer Program
Achieve maximum program growth with these strategies to keep more sustainers on file as well as increase the amount that those sustainers are giving each month.

Sustainer Marketing Samples and Templates
Access sample letters, emails, scripts, and calculators to support your sustainers program.
Simple Ways to Design More Accessible Emails

Essential Strategies for Public Media Membership Growth
Gain the ideas and tools to help you succeed in public radio membership, and move your program forward to the next level.

Starting a Sustainer Program
A strong sustainer program is the bedrock of successful public radio fundraising. Follow our guide to get, retain, and recover valuable sustainer members.