NPR Network Community Conversations: NPR Network Podcasts
A podcast network that unites NPR and station podcasting efforts with a common brand and opens up cross-promotion inventory opportunities.
Explore our comprehensive resources for underwriting including sales best practices, research, credit copy tools and samples, event sponsorship guidelines, and more.
A podcast network that unites NPR and station podcasting efforts with a common brand and opens up cross-promotion inventory opportunities.
A newly launched initiative to turn NPR and stations’ unsold digital inventory into revenue and create more sponsorship opportunities.
Greater Public is hosting a series of webinars for our members to hear directly from NPR leadership and staff, ask questions, and provide feedback on these components of the NPR Network Initiative.
Examine what top revenue-generating talent want from their next employer as well as keys to successful employee retention in public media.
Sales colleagues will share their best ideas from the past year in a replay of this popular PMDMC21 session.
Examine sponsorship during this stage of the pandemic including digital, FY22 planning, and the uneven economic rebound.
Join Aliguma Young to talk about bias and responding to bias in fundraising situations where relationships are paramount.
Join us for a discussion about how the latest pandemic and political events affect corporate support strategy for 2021.
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