Winning Sponsorship Media Kit and Digital Overview Examples
Get inspired by these samples that show potential sponsors the value and reach of a noncommercial media environment.
Explore our comprehensive resources for underwriting including sales best practices, research, credit copy tools and samples, event sponsorship guidelines, and more.
Get inspired by these samples that show potential sponsors the value and reach of a noncommercial media environment.
Submit your exemplary media kit and digital overview for your chance to win.
Promote sponsorship at your station using client-facing email marketing campaigns.
Secure more sponsorships with “you, you, me, us” proposals that demonstrate how partnership with your station will fulfill your client’s needs.
Set the right prices on a variety of digital ad products while smartly managing your inventory.
These corporate support best practices provide the foundation for successful public media underwriting sales.
A comprehensive overview of resources to help you learn more about your station’s audience, your industry peers, and corporate support clients and prospects.
WGBH has created a sponsorship-focused monthly e-newsletter that demonstrates the depth, breadth, and unique benefits of WGBH’s local sponsorship program.
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