Corporate Support | Event Sponsorship
Explore our comprehensive resources for underwriting including sales best practices, research, credit copy tools and samples, event sponsorship guidelines, and more.
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Pricing Event Sponsorship Assets
Determine the correct value for the event sponsorship assets you will include in your sales proposal.
Event Sponsorship Toolkit
This collection of resources offers tips and tools to help you maximize event sponsorship revenue.
Webinar: Top 10 Sponsorship Packaging and Sales Strategies for Events: A PMDMC24 Encore Presentation
Join us to discuss how public media can maximize the impact of event sponsorship.
Tips for Maximizing Event Sponsorship
Thrive in today’s competitive landscape with advanced event sponsorship strategies that deliver year-round engagement with target audiences.
Event Sponsorship Winning Examples
Get inspired by these exemplary event sponsorship success stories from around the system.
Event Sponsorship Contest
Submit your exemplary event sponsorship package/experience for your chance to win.
RAB Tools to Support Sales Planning and Prospecting
Brainstorm ways to meaningfully align your station’s content with sponsors’ business goals.
National Promotional Events Calendar for Sponsorship
Use this calendar to leverage holidays and national promotional events to engage your prospects and clients.