Membership | New Members
Dive into Greater Public’s tools for on-air, direct mail, and online fundraising designed to help you maximize your effectiveness and move donors to their best gift.
All Tags in Membership
From Boomers to Zoomers: How Tech-Savvy Generations are Revolutionizing Public Media Fundraising
Thriving in a Challenging Landscape: PMDMC24 Ideas Worth Sharing
Some of the most important discussions at this year's annual public media conference tackled the improvement of workplace culture, and ways to succeed in today’s challenging landscape of on-air-fundraising.
Public Media: Facing Challenges, Building Our Future
Some express a sense of uncertainty about public media’s future, but we are optimistic about public media’s solid pathway forward. Here’s why.
Put the ‘Fun’ Back in FUNdraising: Campaign Ideas to Increase Acquisition, Revenue, and Engagement
KERA’s Fundraising Through Engagement: How Asking and Listening Can Lead to Giving

Webinar: State of the System in Public Media Membership 2024
Join this conversation for added perspective on the state of our fundraising and concrete ideas on how to move your programs forward.

Webinar: Trends in Non-Profit Individual Giving
Understand the fundraising performance of organizations outside of public media with this comprehensive analysis.