Setting Rates and Packaging Your Inventory
Maximize corporate support sales and meet clients’ needs by setting rates, managing inventory, and creating packages that reflect the demand for and value of public media.
Explore our comprehensive resources for underwriting including sales best practices, research, credit copy tools and samples, event sponsorship guidelines, and more.
Maximize corporate support sales and meet clients’ needs by setting rates, managing inventory, and creating packages that reflect the demand for and value of public media.
Build your fluency with ad networks and exchanges, optimize digital campaign performance, and become more comfortable with agency RFPs.
Set the right prices on a variety of digital ad products while smartly managing your inventory.
Build baseline digital sponsorship knowledge and speak confidently with clients as you launch your digital sales efforts.
Use these worksheets to create a comprehensive operating plan for the year for you and your sales team.
Plan your annual and monthly avail/revenue scenarios for both broadcast and digital inventory using these spreadsheet templates.
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